TMJ Center

TMJ Center specializes in the treatment of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorders) and facial pain. We use both the latest technologically advanced techniques and dental devices to alleviate pain and restore good sleep. We don't however, believe that it is necessary to subject our patients to elaborate and expensive tests or imaging that will have no impact on their treatment. Our conservative but effective methods help keep treatment costs down and speed recovery.

What is TMJ

TMJ is the acronym for temporomandibular joint, which connects your lower jaw (the mandible) to your skull at the temporal bone. This joint controls many jaw functions, like chewing. If the chewing muscles or the joint itself are causing you pain you may have temporamandibular disorder, or TMD. TMD can be caused by stress, continual clenching of the jaw muscles, or teeth grinding can lead to irritating the masseter and/or temporalis muscles causing tension type headaches.

Symptoms and Diagnosis:

The symptoms of TMJ / TMD, which affect millions of adults and children, can gradually appear with no specific cause. There are many different things that can bring these symptoms on. They can occur after a trauma, such as a traffic accident or a blow to the face. Even subtle repeated traumas, like clenching the teeth or excessive gum chewing, or cradling a phone between your shoulder and ear can cause TMJ / TMD . 

Some of the symptoms of TMD are:
  • Pain when opening or closing mouth
  • Pain while chewing
  • Jaw becoming stuck open or shut
  • Headaches
  • Clicking or popping sounds when opening your mouth
  • Teeth Grinding
  • Ear Pain / Tinnitus

Teeth grinding is an especially problematic symptom because it can lead to further problems. Prolonged teeth grinding, or bruxism, can cause enamel to wear off teeth and expose dentin. This material is softer than enamel and more susceptible to decay. Sensitivity to hot and cold food or drink may also develop from excessive teeth grinding. 

A night guard or orthotic splint can be used to help prevent or alleviate the effects of teeth grinding at night. This can lead to a more permanent solution. If you suspect you may have TMD come in for a consultation. We can help diagnose you and provide relief for your symptoms.


When TMD is present, we begin with a conservative using removable orthotic appliances. These appliances may fit on the upper or lower teeth according each individual’s need for treatment. Orthotics are widely used by dentists who ascribe (and research supports) to the approach that damaged TMJ’s can be rehabilitated to near normal motion, comfort, and stability while not moving the teeth. There are a wide variety of orthotics we can use depending on your specific condition.
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